Friday, July 2, 2010

To You

I want to use this entry to thank those that support this blog, for right now it is just an open journal for people to see my work. I thank those who have, just simply by accident, clicked on a link that led them to this page, and read one of the posts. To those who follow religiously and have read every one and given feedback, I am eternally grateful for your hearts and your criticism. To those who I have written to or about, I thank you for being in my life and giving me inspiration to put something on paper. Anyone who reads what I have written, you all are watching me grow as a writer with each post. I thank you all.

Many will be inspired to love after reading whatever it is that I may create. As they love, I will write, and write some more, so that their experience in love can be that much better. So I say to whoever reads these words and is inspired in some kind of way to love, love with all or your heart and give love to those deserving. But I cannot leave you all without sharing something "Beautiful".

John Keats wrote "A thing of Beauty is a joy forever, its loveliness increases; it shall never pass into nothingness". I would guess, since "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and my eyes just seem to love everything about you; you, therefore, would be a joy to me forever. This, I can imagine is possible, but I have seen reasons for doubt. Not in you, of course, but in previous situations where beauty was nothing more than the luck of perfectly crafted skin, shape, and smiles. Your beauty, though physically a sight for any pair of eyes, is far deep within the crevice of your heart. Even with my eyes shut I can see how beautiful you are. I must remind you that this is done with complete ease. I see your beauty in every laugh and act of kindness; every second with you is beautiful.

Stay beautiful!


  1. With this entertainment, it's hard not to become an avid reader. Pat yourself on the back; you owe it to yourself.

  2. haha thanks kalos. the same with "kalos says..."
