Friday, May 28, 2010

A Look Into the Heart

I am a lover of love and passion. I am referred to as the hopeless romantic, but I don't mind. I admire true love and I even long to experience it to the fullest. There is one major problem though, I am extremely impatient. If there were a list printed for ingredients needed to love, patience would be at the top of the list. As a matter of fact, it is. In 1 Corinthians 13:4 the verse begins "Love is Patient". And this is so true. Love is not a thirty minute sprint, a two hour wrestle, or a week vacation. Love is the reward given to those that master the art of patience.

What many must understand is what it means to be patient. Patience is not watching life aimlessly pass by and do nothing about it. It does not mean allowing others the free opportunity to run all over you. Patience is endurance and perseverance. The ability to endure all and the will to persevere through all. The love that we seek is timeless and travels beyond this world that we know. If we are ever going to be able to grab a piece of this "love", we must gain endurance first. This takes practice and cannot be mastered in one or just a few days. Learn to endure the troubles of others around you and your endurance will build. But with endurance must come perseverance. Being able to withstand something does you no good if you do not have the want to push on. Love last through every storm and makes it across every river because it wants to see who is on the other side.

Learn to persevere, gain endurance, become patient and Love the one you are meant to love. Forever.


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  2. Kid. Don't advertise on my watch again.
