Friday, June 18, 2010


Anxious. I cannot sit still in this seat, forced to wait for you, anymore. I have become frustrated with Time, because he will not move out of my way. Time has taken you captive and locked you in a place that I have yet to find. I guess it is safe to say that he has been accompanied by Distance. These two have joined together to throw Pain in my face, but I do not desire her. She is nothing but a failing distraction. I long for you with every moment's breath, wink, and tear. But soon, if only soon were attainable, I will see you again. Beauty will be in my sights again, and I will no longer wish for the satisfaction of being blind. I used to pray for God to take my eyesight; only then, would I not have to deal with seeing everything but you. What else is worth seeing if I may not lay my eyes on you? The grandest waterfall is not grand enough; and the prettiest sunset is nowhere near as pretty. These sceneries are usually appreciated by the rest of the world, but they do nothing for me if you are not in them. So now I search for you, Tomorrow. Yes, Tomorrow; you will finally be in my arms when I find a way to take over Time, and dismiss Distance. Then, only then will I feast on the excellence that you possess. Pain will be barely a fading memory by then, and you will be mine.

For now though, I anxiously wait for tomorrow.

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