Tuesday, June 29, 2010


What I would do to tell you "good night". To walk you to your front door, kiss you on the forehead and say "good night". Tuck you in my sheets, hold you, and whisper in your ear "good night". But now I am left alone in a dark room, with only the ability to dream of something that is better than my current reality. I know this though, with everything in me, that right now you lay in a soft and quiet sleep with no disruptions. If you were awake, I would surely lie next to you. Many would call it impossible, but I know different; anything with you is possible. You would think of me, as I am thinking of you and we would dance the night away. But that is not my reality right now, just the fantasy that I have dreamt of, with no one but you.

Why must I lay awake in depression? Why do I not receive the satisfaction of being next to my lover? Have I disappointed the God in heaven, Whom we know makes these decisions? Whatever the reason may be, I still yearn for the opportunity to simply hold your hand. Yes your hand. Your little hand which is nothing bigger than the average reading book, is something very delicate and precious. It gives life to anything worth living and has healed many of my wounds with a single touch. So right now, I pine to hold your hand through an entire "good night".

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Good morning my darling, my joy and light. Right now is the greatest moment ever. This very second, perfect in all that it is, makes joy feel so involuntary. With you, smiles just happen, laughter comes with every breath taken, and peace is evident. I do not mind staying here and lying in bed all day with you; staring into your eyes and watching God laugh at my infatuation with his creation. Now turn over, let me run my hands through your hair, massage you, and kiss your back a hundred times. Feel heaven in my hands around every curve, in every wrinkle and beyond each shade of beauty. I enjoy right now, because it is ours. No distractions, no interruptions, and nothing keeping us apart. Together, two bodies in one flesh, and a million reasons to love it all. Let's take all of this moment in, do not worry about yesterday, for it was what it was; and don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has its own problems. Let us dwell in now, and be here and alive in the presence of each other. You are Today. My love. My laugh. Mine.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Anxious. I cannot sit still in this seat, forced to wait for you, anymore. I have become frustrated with Time, because he will not move out of my way. Time has taken you captive and locked you in a place that I have yet to find. I guess it is safe to say that he has been accompanied by Distance. These two have joined together to throw Pain in my face, but I do not desire her. She is nothing but a failing distraction. I long for you with every moment's breath, wink, and tear. But soon, if only soon were attainable, I will see you again. Beauty will be in my sights again, and I will no longer wish for the satisfaction of being blind. I used to pray for God to take my eyesight; only then, would I not have to deal with seeing everything but you. What else is worth seeing if I may not lay my eyes on you? The grandest waterfall is not grand enough; and the prettiest sunset is nowhere near as pretty. These sceneries are usually appreciated by the rest of the world, but they do nothing for me if you are not in them. So now I search for you, Tomorrow. Yes, Tomorrow; you will finally be in my arms when I find a way to take over Time, and dismiss Distance. Then, only then will I feast on the excellence that you possess. Pain will be barely a fading memory by then, and you will be mine.

For now though, I anxiously wait for tomorrow.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oh Janette Belle

Where shall I begin this time? Shall I stress the perfection of your beauty or the gravity of your wits? Do you want to know the depths of my affection or the images that brighten my dreams? May I pose this question to you? Is love attainable? May it truly be conquered with the imperfections that we both possess? I would say that my love for you is impossible; something that not even the greatest of men can reach. But why shall I be so fortunate to experience the fullness of your touch and feel? One might catch the same joy from the feel of cotton; for you are the fabric of my life. You are the reason I live, move, and have my being. I wear you on the shoulders of my heart; so that we may never part, no matter where we might be placed physically on this earth.

Many question this infatuation that I have built up for you; it has become kind of impossible for me to understand their questioning. Do they not understand that you are more than life, purer than pure, and the perfect implication of peace? You are every breath that I breathe well, and your absence is nothing less than a nightmare. You define beauty; you are the sweetest verse, and you are the perfect note to the greatest song. You whisper love in this world of hate. What more can a man of my stature ask for? Anything better should only be left for God himself.

I have learned to cope with these days that I cannot physically see you. It isn't that bad now that I can kiss you goodnight; and I see you in the peak of beauty when the sun rises. I cannot be angry with your physical absence because I feel you more and more as the hours pass. Our bond cannot be broken by miles or meters, not even death can do that. My life is in you, for you have absorbed me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My love for Janette Belle

I have come to the point where I can appreciate what you do to my heart; you make it whole. There is a divinely inspired pleasant feeling that you give me. It is almost like you are God's personal gift to me. It is amazing to me that He would leave me with such beauty. I want you to know how much you mean to me. Second to my Maker, you are my heart's only desire and a world without you isn't a world at all; air without your scent isn't breathable, just dead. I need more exuberant words to define this love that travels through my skin. You might think that is sort of incredible, at least I do. Most people stop loving at the heart, but you make love a full body experience. It can almost be compared to dancing; the amount of emotion put into every move so that each one can be extraordinary. Yes, your love is extraordinary and I will dive into it a million times a day if I could. I would rather spend the good hours of the day with you and the rest of the time dreaming about how beautiful you are. I believe that would make for a very pleasant occasion.

Forever your honorable King

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The beauty of Janette Belle

My dear Janette Belle,
There is a beauty about you that is holy, something sort of God like. It appears on the edges of your brow, the peak of your lashes, and the wrinkle of your nose. It stands on your lips and feels as soft as your cheek. You are almost perfect in beauty. I could not ask for anything better; that is if better were ever created for me to have. I feel beauty in your hands when we touch and there is an ease about your body. Your legs advertise greatness and your chest is a mountain of something much more joyful. You are a specimen of pure brilliance, and I love all that you are. I know that I may seem a bit selfish at times, but who can let such a beauty slip through their fingertips and fall into the hands of another. I might die before I see a day without you.

Forever your honorable King