Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To my dear Janette Belle

As I have told you before, these times are hard for me. I struggle everyday to function without hearing the soft sound of every breath you take or feel your fingers locked with mine. Even though I hurt during the day, it hits me the most when the sun rests. I begin to remember the nights we used to spend together and reminisce. It is kind of wierd though, because my body has become numb without you. My arms have molded to the shape that your body makes when I hold you; and I dont know what to do now that you aren't here. It is a struggle for me to stand up straight and sit down right. I toss and turn at night because I have become accustomed to you being my teddy bear and my night light. You take away all the bad dreams and the monsters leave us alone because they are so taken by your beauty. It kind of makes me feel proud to be lying next to someone so beautiful, but you humble me and I love you for that. Right now I am missing those times where I get to kiss you good night and then immediately begin to dream about you.

Forever your honorable King

1 comment:

  1. You have a lovely blog! I wish you the best with your writings.
    When my kids were small, I did newspaper columns, sort of the Erma Bombeck humorous type....about typical family life. I also did feature stories. Free-lancing was a fun outlet, but didn't pay much. Besides, I went on to several other careers.
    Now I am retired and have made several books for my grandkids; but because I couldn't really find a publisher to just "put a book together" for me without an exhorbitant fee, I literally printed out pages and laminated them and spiral bound them myself. Recently I used a "print on demand" site to make a personal family book and that's what I needed...not to sell, just a professional look for my kids' personal, one-of-a-kind book. Anyhow, please look at it--perhaps you could use print on demand, too.(just until you become famous):-)
